Emotions, colors, sensations, equilibrium and “ubuntu” for children with disabilities
Heart of a Child Romania and Bună Ziua, Copii din România Association , have been co-running the “Emotions, colors, sensations, equilibrium and “ubuntu” for children with disabilities” project throughout the period of July 2021 – February 2022. The project has been financed through the În stare de Bine Program, by Kaufland Romania , and it was implemented by Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Societății Civile..
The project came in the aid of over 50 children with disabilities and their 50 parents/caregivers, all coming from Galati, Vaslui and the neighboring counties, and from both urban and rural areas. The project’s main aim was to cover the need of emotional support and social integration for these children and their families.
What did we set out to do?
A quality and healthy life isn’t translated only to physical health. Oftentimes, we happen to forget that just as significant are our mental and emotional health, as well as the quality of the relationships we have with those around us. And let’s not forget the importance of access to proper medical services when we need them.
The main objective of the project was supporting children with disabilities and their families in developing a healthier physical and emotional lifestyle, embracing an “ubuntu” concept.
We facilitated their access to:
- Specific therapies for children with certain disabilities (cognitive-behavioral therapy, logopedic therapy, multi-sensorial therapy, occupational therapy, ludo-therapy)
- Therapeutic interactions within small groups, in the open air, guided by medical specialists (child-child, child-parent, parent-parent)
We pursued this approach precisely to enable the children and their parents to experiment, to reach a better equilibrium in the relationship with one’s emotions and sensations, and to build sustaining relationships and bonds within the boundaries of the family.
What problems does the project cover?
The project was built partly based on the observations the two organizations made over time, and partly based on discussions held with the beneficiary families. It addresses the following major issues:
Enabling access to therapies and support networks especially (but not exclusively) to children coming from rural areas, where there are virtually no such services available.
The need of support and emotional equilibrium within families
The need of access to information about red flags in a child’s development, according to their age, accessible to parents, medical experts and teachers
Resources for parents
We have put together a booklet intended to aid parents in identifying, early on-set signals, in specific areas of development (social-emotional, cognitive, communication, motor skills – fine and gross, self-service skills) that have a daily impact on children’s lives and development.
About the “In a state of well-being” Program
The În stare de Bine Program is a financing program through which non-refundable grants of 1 million euros are entrusted to NGOs in Romania. The program is supported by Kaufland Romania and it is implemented by Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Societății Civile. The aim of the program is developing the level of life quality in rural and urban communities, through supporting initiatives that have a positive impact in the areas of culture, sports or healthy life, and that address vulnerable groups as a priority. For more information, feel free to visit www.instaredebine.ro.
About Kaufland Romania
Kaufland is one of the biggest retail companies in Europe, with over 1,270 supermarkets in 7 countries and a network of 126 supermarkets in Romania. Assumption of ecological and social responsibility is an essential aspect of the corporative politics of Kaufland. The company’s credo is based on the idea that the world can be a better place provided that everyone brings their contribution. Therefore, in 2018, Kaufland developed the „Implicarea face diferența” platform, under which all taken social responsibility actions are communicated ever since. Kaufland’s most CSR projects are run in partnership with regional or national NGO associations, pursuing the implementation of complex social programs that address numerous groups of beneficiaries. For more information, kindly visit www.kaufland.ro.
About Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Societății Civile
Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Societății Civile (FDSC) is an NGO independent organization, founded in the year of 1994 at the initiative of the European Commission. FDSC promotes a strong and sustainable civil society that contributes to defending democratic values. The approach is to support the actors within the civil society, to mobilize resources, to encourage a favorable environment and to strengthen the cooperation with the other sectors. For more information, kindly visit www.fdsc.ro.
About Bună Ziua, Copii din România Association
Bună Ziua, Copii din România Association (BZRO) is an NGO born in Barlad in the year of 1999, at the initiative of a group of young volunteers from Holland – they came to Romania with a desire to help children in foster houses and state institutions responsible with taking care of them. Bună Ziua, Copii din România’s mission is to support children, young adults and families to live a dignified, prosperous life. During their 20 years of activity so far, they implemented numerous projects and they provided social services for children, young adults and families in difficulty, they promoted and facilitated the involvement of community members in volunteering programs and they organized formal training for social and educational personnel. For more information, kindly visit www.bunaziuacopii.ro.
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A project carried out by Heart of a Child Romania, financed through the În stare de bine Program supported by Kaufland Romania, and implemented by Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Societății Civile. This material doesn’t necessarily represent the official position of the În stare de bine Program.
For more details, kindly visit www.instaredebine.ro