Our strategic partnership with UiPath Foundation

There’s only so much that we can do by ourselves. Things can be changed only as long as we ally with people who dream of a kinder Romania, in which no child is condemned to poverty and everyone has an equal chance to become a fulfilled, well-balanced adult. We are profoundly grateful for our donors, sponsors and financiers, with whom we are deeply connected in our mission. In the Heart of a Child world, the compassion and responsibility in those around are the main resource we use to bring joy, development and hope for the future.

The Beginings

of the partnership

In 2019, Heart of a Child Romania partnered up with UiPath Foundation. 47 children in middle school and highschool from Galati (coming both from the rural and urban areas) have been fully supported to pursue their education and discover themselves throughout this period.

The provided support materialized in integrated measurements taken to facilitate children’s access to 21st century education. These include the development of digital competencies, grants, educational materials, medical services, clothing, food, and tutoring in Math, English and Romanian Language and Literature.

All about

this Partnership

It is a program meant to ensure long-term integrated support to the children enrolled in it. We are talking about monthly grants, clothing, school supply, medical monitorization, as well as access to educational activities, tutoring and providing digital equipment. The children are encouraged to pursue their studies, to improve their grades and to become real role-models for coming generations.


throughout the Partnership

During the past two years, we adapted our interventions according to the pandemic circumstances. We carried out both online and offline activities.

  • Our Fairy Merciluță offered free dental check-ups for all the children enrolled in the program
  • There have been delivered online robotics courses
  • RPA workshops
  • Online internet safety courses
  • Online meetings with inspirational speakers


for the teachers as well

Together with its strategic partners, UI Path Foundation is also involved in a series of initiatives meant to facilitate the access to actualized educational resources for teachers coming from unfavored environments.

Therefore, together with OvidiuRO Association and with Teach for Romania, other strategic partners of UiPath Foundation, we carried out a variety of activities dedicated to teachers as well. We made sure they have access to continuous self-formation and to modern teaching techniques which are vital in delivering quality education.

Raluca Negulescu-Balaci, Executive Director UiPath Foundation

“We strongly believe that education is the way through which poverty can be overcome; therefore, we created a 360° support system, starting from the complex needs that children often face in their journey of building a future when they come from unfavored environments. Our child-centered approach is created with the whole ecosystem in mind – family, school, community. It is a process in which we constantly pursue collaboration.”

Anna Burtea, Executive Director Heart of a Child Foundation

“We are glad and thankful to be a long-term strategic partner of UI Path Foundation. Kindness unites us, as we are connected to the same dream: the education and protection of vulnerable children, from villages as well as from the urban area. Together, we will succeed!”

The pandemic has been the most important obstacle we had to overcome since the beginning of our strategic partnership.

The pandemic was the most important obstacle we had to overcome from the very beginning of our partnership.

Finding fast solutions to ensure the continuity of the intervention and the smooth transition to online activities for children was vital. In the initial phase, the tutoring classes in Math and Romanian took place physically in Galati, Pechea, Tecuci and Buciumeni. After the pandemic started, children were given tablets and the necessary infrastructure to connect to the internet, and thus tutoring was moved online.

Other activities were also re-shaped to fit the online environment (or were kept in the format of face-to-face meetings but under according safety conditions). For example, even if the first summer camp took place at Cheile Gradistei, with the participation of all 140 children enrolled in Future Acceleration Program, 2020 brought us the novel experience of an online camp. 2021 was even more interesting, as camps were organized in a divided way, in all six areas where the program was implemented, including Pechea.

Winter holidays also didn’t pass without proper celebration. Santa Clause wasn’t scared of the pandemic either, and he did manage to visit all the children during the winters of 2020 and 2021 as well, even though the Christmas party took place online.

About UiPath Foundation

UiPath Foundation is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental, non-religious organization, who made it its mission to support children coming from unfavored communities in Romania and India, through integrated support programs. UiPath’s main purpose is to offer equal access to quality education to all children.
The organization has a strategy of partnering up with other local non-profit organizations and carrying out educational programs that respond to the multiple needs of children who face poverty every day, starting with children in Romania (Bucharest and the counties of Cluj, Vaslui, Galati, Olt, Botosani) and India (Bangalore).
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