What is our impact in education?

Education is the certain pathway towards a better world. Here at Heart of a Child, we believe that equal chances for all children are possible, no matter where they come from. And we are more than sure that children who were born in an unfavored environment do have the right for education as well.

Every day, we do our best to diminish inequalities in the world of children in great difficulties: we support them in attending school, we give them a warm meal, we assist them with homework, we help them catch up with the school curriculum, we provide grants for the most hard-working of them, we take them in summer camps.

Take a look at our programs in Education

One village, One child

We are constantly on the look for hard-working children and ambitious young adults in need of support. Once we find them, we make sure to stick around until they finish university. The most consistent aid we give them are 12 grants a year, on a yearly basis. We also provide them with school supplies, clothing and occasional gifts. They join us in summer camps too, where they take part in non-formal educational experiences.

The Day Center from Galati & The Counseling and Support Center from Pechea

50 primary school and middle school children coming from impoverished families are fully supported to stay in school and to improve their grades and overall school performance 

Back to School

Every year, we raise 100 fully-equipped backpacks for children in primary school, 65 fully-equipped backpacks for children in middle school and 60 backpacks for highschool students.

Future Acceleration Program

Through the Future Acceleration Program that we carried out together with UiPath Foundation, we secure integrated support in the long run to children enrolled in the program. The support consists in monthly grants, clothing, school supply, medical assistance, as well as access to educational activities, tutoring and digital equipment.

An SMS for Education

We support 90 children from Galati and Pechea, coming from at-risk families, to pursue their education and to stay in school until they finish their studies.

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